Community Resources

In 2018, Cancer Coalition of Ben Hill and Irwin (CCBHI) was formed and introduced Project Pinwheel: Spinning for a Cure to raise funds; benefitting both cancer patients in Ben Hill and Irwin county. The pinwheels represent donations ‘in honor of’ or ‘in memory of’ a loved one who has or had cancer.
In addition to Project Pinwheel, we hosted the “Run Away from Cancer” Glow Run fundraiser in 2019. We encourage supporters to continue their fundraising efforts with bake sales, jean Friday fundraiser, basket raffles, etc., whether it’s to support cancer research with the American Cancer Society, or to support cancer patients in our community through the CCBHI. All CCBHI proceeds will benefit our community; distributed by need to Ben Hill and Irwin county cancer patients needing assistance with medicine, basic needs, travel expenses associated with treatment, etc. Thanks to our generous supporters and donors who make this possible!
We are having an inaugural fundraiser for CCBHI on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 8 a.m. in conjunction with the Wild Chicken Festival held in Fitzgerald, GA. The Run for the Roost 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk will be our annual fundraiser for the CCBHI. For more information, visit our facebook page, Cancer Coalition of Ben Hill and Irwin.
For more information about keeping the donations local and how to get involved with the CCBHI, contact Beth McIntyre at 229-425-5331 or email cancercoalitionbhic@. Like us on Facebook at gmail.comCancer Coalition of Ben Hill and Irwin County
To make a donation, click here. Complete the form and return in person, by mail or email. We appreciate your support!