Auxiliary Services
Volunteering at Dorminy Medical Center
At Dorminy Medical Center, our volunteers are important members of our care and services teams. Volunteers dedicate their time to many important activities here, with a direct and positive impact on both patients and staff. By volunteering, you are not only providing a valuable service, but you are also giving a precious gift to our community—your time. Becoming a part of our care team will make a difference in people’s lives, including your own.
Through fundraising efforts, jewelry sales, and gift shop sales, the Auxiliary supports many worthy projects at DMC. With proceeds from book sales, the Auxiliary also awards scholarships each year to students in Ben Hill, Irwin or Wilcox county, who are attending or accepted in an academic or technical college, pursuing a career in the medical field. For scholarship guidelines, click here. Click on the link below to access a copy of the scholarship application.
Congratulations to our 2024 Auxiliary Scholarship recipients: Ashley Braddy & Amelia Lee, FHSCCA seniors and Haley Clark & Laina Pate, ICHS seniors.
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are 18 years of age or older and interested in becoming a hospital volunteer, we request that you:
- Be able to devote four hours per week.
- Be willing to follow CDC recommendations for hospital volunteers, which include an immunization record (if born after 1957) and an annual flu shot.
- Submit personal references.
Please click here for our volunteer application.
Hand deliver, Email or Mail the completed application:
Dorminy Medical Center
Attn: Ashley Johnson
P.O. Box 1447
Fitzgerald, GA 31750
For more information about Volunteering, call 229-424-7107 or email ajohnson@.
Gift Shop
The DMC Gift Shop is located in the front lobby of the hospital across from Information Desk. The Volunteer Auxiliary (Pink Ladies) run the Gift Shop as a service for patients, visitors, and staff. The shop offers a variety of gift items, such as Get-Well gifts, cards, specialty balloons, candy, books, adult clothing and so much more.
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Phone: 229-424-7133