Volunteer Chaplaincy Program
The Volunteer Chaplaincy Program is dedicated in providing quality spiritual and religious support and to collaborate with Dorminy Medical Center to improve clinical outcomes and patient perception. Offering this service positively impacts a patient’s stay and makes patients and their family members feel at ease while undergoing a major life event. Chaplaincy services extend to DMC and ERH employees as well, particularly at times of need such as a death in the family.
Requesting a Visit
Members of the Chaplaincy team will regularly visit the wards during the week. The nursing staff will pass on patient/family requests for a chaplain by calling the chaplain “on-call”. A list of the Chaplain’s on-call schedule is posted at the Ward Clerk’s desk.
10 Good Reasons to Call a Chaplain
Have you ever wondered… “Should I call a chaplain?”
Dorminy Medical Center Volunteer Chaplains are available for the spiritual and emotional support of all patients, their friends and family, regardless of religious affiliation.
* You are having a difficult time coping with the stress of illness and hospitalization.
* You are discouraged, anxious, grieving, afraid or sad.
* You need support in coping with a difficult diagnosis or prognosis.
* When religious practice or an event (like a wedding) is important to you, and you may miss it because you are in the hospital.
* Your family member needs emotional and/or spiritual support during a code, a long hospitalization, a difficult situation, etc.
* You have a specific religious need or question or would like to see a specific clergy person.
* When you feel lonely, isolated, or have few visitors.
* A difficult ethical or moral issue exists, and you or your family need to explore your beliefs.
* You are dealing with end-of-life issues and need a companion for the journey.
* You just need to talk to someone who has time to listen.
**Patients or family members may request a Chaplain by notifying their nurse or any medical staff.
If you have any questions about the Chaplain program at DMC please contact Holley Lee.
Contact Us
Community Relations Director: Holley Lee
Email: hlee@ dorminymedical.org
Phone: 229-424-7107